LOHN @ Home Volume 1

Introducing LOHN @ Home, our way of sharing spaces and scent stories in our community.
We’re kicking this series off with a visit with Victoria’s 99 year old Babcia (grandmother in Polish), whose herb garden is the inspiration behind ESEN, and whose love of scent started in the late 1920s, walking through the fragrant Polish countryside.
Born in March of 1925, Salomea was one of 11 siblings. Growing up, she tended to her family's fields, growing wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, and beets. At the age of 18, she got married and welcomed her first child two years later — the first of 7 children.
In 1966, Salomea and her family left Poland for Canada on a 12-day boat journey. After settling down in Toronto, at the age of 44 she began working in the in the cafeteria at St. Joseph's Hospital, where she continued to work for 23 years. On March 10, 2024 she turned 99 and naturally, blew out her Happiest Bday Candle her granddaughter brought her.
Read on to hear more about scents that take her back to her youth, things a home is not complete without, and why she lights candles.

I am—
Grateful and old.
To me, a home is not complete without—
A new tablecloth with fresh flowers and home baked cakes... and my family to enjoy them with.

I recharge by—
Praying and resting in my favourite chair.
The scent of sorrel always reminds me of—
Home. Walking through the fields and picking sorrel for soup.

I light candles to—
Remind myself of how lucky I am to have such a wonderful family. I also think of my granddaughter Victoria who gifts them to me!
My feel good fragrance is—
ESEN. It reminds me of my garden that sadly I can no longer tend to. I also love flowers from my childhood in Poland: Roses, Violets, Lily of the Valley!
I'm currently obsessing over—
Spring! Everything is in bloom and life begins again.
Photography by Scott Goodwin (@nscottgoodwin)
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